

If you are already aware of our ground-breaking user driven healthcare platform, that is intending to change the medical learning process as well as the medical delivery process, both in rural and urban area and you want to join, please visit the web-application by clicking the following link : ArogyaUDHC

Here is a brief summary on the platform:
ArogyaUDHC (‘User Driven Health Care’) platform serves to address the low doctor to patient ratio, specifically specialists, in rural India. It is an internet based medical learning and care giving collaborative platform build on the theory of “evidence based practice”, with a novel approach to telemedicine. In this approach patient’s & her health care providers, which includes Primary Care Physicians(PCP), RMPs (Registered Medical Practitioners), AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy) as well as Quacks, input forms the foundation of the system, which is processed in a social network of physicians dispersed globally and finally the treatment solution(s) are presented to the patient & her primary care provider. In absence of health care providers in rural areas, we have introduced a local trained community social health worker, known as TCHE (Trained Community Health Entrepreneur) to bridge the gap. The platform currently engages 500+ physicians globally and is ably supported by the “International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare (IJUDH)”.The ‘User Driven Health Care’ (UDHC) platform is an web/internet based platform enabled by social networks, artificial intelligence and big-data analytics operating under a social enterprise and franchisee model to connect patients in rural and urban areas who have inadequate access to quality healthcare, with health experts and physicians regardless of geographical limitations to collaborate on complex health issues. It has been designed to provide comprehensive coverage and understanding of clinical problem solving in healthcare. 
The term "user" includes health professionals as well as patients and anyone who uses the web with a user name. These "users" generate an information flow that "drives" the system's workflow (hence the choice of the term "driven").
"User Driven Health Care" aims at improved healthcare through clinical problem solving utilizing concerted experiential learning in conversations between multiple users and stakeholders, primarily patients, health professionals, and other actors in a care giving collaborative network across a Web interface. This web site serves as a valuable platform for all these stakeholders to document and share their learning.
The system will assist health experts by predicting similar previously solved health cases from publicly available case history (BMJ etc) as well as existing Patient case history (referred as Patient Journey) to leverage their knowledge in solving the unsolved health issue. This prediction and recommendation feature uses Google Prediction service as the AI provider. Once solved the new case will be another evidence based solution that can be used for the case matching.
The corresponding Facebook app will help get a special group of social workers to moderate the health data to supervise anonymisation of the health information.The platform assigns scientific names (mashed up with the geolocation), to the patient.The platform will be integrated with Facebook so as to provide implicit crowd-sourcing which would bring more social workers on-board the platform. This special group of cyber social workers will moderate the health cases/reports/images to make sure anonymisation is done before any health information is public, in compliance with HIPAA. The platform assigns scientific names (mashed up with the geolocation), to the patient. The REST-based API we are building will be used to build applications for the mobile computing platforms too so as to facilitate on-the-fly notification to health experts.
Later on all these anonymized patient journies and cases big-data analytics will be performed for epidemiological and bio-statistical research. We are building our “SHERP" platform for that.

This project also introduces “Trained Community Health Entrepreneur”(TCHE) under an income generating, social-enterprise model for rural India, starting with rural Bengal. The TCHE will be trained in the WHO Four-Visit ANC Model to provide effective ANC using a proven, low-resource model that can be delivered to the door-step. The TCHE will also cater to all health cases of the community via Telemedicine with help of the “virtual” volunteer Physician network, of UDHC network.